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Meet A Photographer - Suhas Desale

Your Name: Suhas Desale

What are you called by: [nick name, if any]: -

Your online presence: website, blog, portfolio?

Words that describe you:
Adventure is not outside man; it is within.

What’s in your camera bag? [Camera, lenses etc.]
Canon 5D mark 2, Canon 17-40 F/4 L, Canon 70-200 F/4L , Canon 24 F/1.4 L , CZJ Pancolar 50mm F/1.8, Helios 40-2 85mm F/1.5

When did you started with photography?
July 2005 , When I got Nikon D70s

How did you learn photography? Your learning curve?
Reading online and exploring outside.

What make you/ or when you decide to become a photographer?
I am still not sure if I want to be a photographer.

What is photography for you? (crap/passion/extra income/anything you think)

Your own, one most favorite photo?

Is something I would pass. Isn’t that the point of the photography? you try to describe world around you not using the words.

What kind of photography (genre) interests you more? (landscape/nature/wildlife/people/street)
Landscape, People, wildlife, Street.... In this order !

Do you prefer to publish your photos online?
I would not use a heavy world like ‘publish’. I upload my photos online all the time.

Your favorite place/ area to shoot – a city, country, or even a specific place.
If I am in the mood to shoot and have a camera with me, every place is equally beautiful.
My dream place would be higher latitudes... extreme ends of American Continent , Alaska or Chile

Your inspiration in photography?
Richard Feynman , though he is not a photographer. How genuinely and honestly he did everything.

Do you believe in post-processing? Why?
The question is not weather "Does one believe is post processing?". There is nothing not to be believe in that.

The world "Post Processing" has a meaning. After you click a photo, using a digital camera, film Camera, glass plate or a silver plate , you need to prepare it for display. Preparation will depend up on the kind of media you are using like LCD screen, projector, glassy paper, matte paper, metallic paper or a canvas. Every media is unique and completely different from one another. This preparation is called post processing. Some people have prejudice against things that they don’t understand or cannot do. I do not worry about them.

If someone wants to artistically enhance a photo, do it. It’s a complicated skill and few people are good at it. IF someone wants to manipulate the photo, do it. That is even more complicated. Whatever one wants to do, do it beautifully, wholeheartedly. There are people around you who will appreciate things you do. Ask their opinion when you are dicey.

And then there are critics, about them a quote by Theodore Roosevelt says everything.
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Which tools, software do you prefer?
Adobe Photoshop

Which sites do you follow regularly for photography?
These days FB takes care of everything. Other than that,,,, and many more.

Do you contribute to stock images anywhere?
Nope, never liked the concept.

Your achievements? Articles featuring you?
The day I don’t get asked this question would be the day I would happily say
"I have achieved something". For now only achievements I have is my friends.

Any advice for the aspiring photographers?
There are 2 types of photographer, Passionate photographers and the second type.
If you are the first type, then you need to worry about nothing and you need advice from no one.
You will get good at it sooner or later. Just keep at it.

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